The Story Behind the Creation of "Rosacea After Care" - Marvesol®

Rosacea is a chronic condition of the skin that is seen on the face, mainly the nose, forehead, cheeks and chin. It has been defined as a long-term skin disease that has four distinct types: 

  1. Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea - Causes warmth (flushing), skin redness and visible clusters.

  2. Papulopustular Rosacea (Acne) - Causes pus-filled bumps, skin redness and an enlarged, bulbous nose.

  3. Phymatous Rosacea - Causes thickened skin on the face and an enlarged, bulbous nose.

  4. Ocular Rosacea - Affects the eyes, causing inflammation and redness. May manifest as bloodshot eyes, itching in and around the eyelids, and even bumps on the eye.

Rosacea and Acne Rosacea are not caused by poor hygiene and are not contagious. Since the sebaceous glands, small oil-producing glands present in our skin, are targeted by inflammation in both conditions, they are termed as an autoimmune disease.


Which one is more severe?

Phymatous Rosacea is among the more serious conditions as it causes the pores to become visibly enlarged. It’s most commonly the result of leaving Rosacea untreated or poorly managed.

Rosacea on the nose, phymatous rosacea, rhinophyma

The condition is also termed as Rhinophyma. Most often, surgery is recommended for Rhinophyma, but the type of surgery that serves best is still being studied.


Are you sure you have Rosacea?

Psoriasis can be mistaken for Acne Rosacea as they both present bumps on the skin and even look similar from a distance but are entirely different skin conditions. In Psoriasis, the skin does turn red but is covered in flaky, crusty patches with silvery scales instead of pus-filled bumps (acne).

Psoriasis, Acne rosacea, and Lupus

Similarly in the case of Lupus, the skin does turn red, even affecting the eyes, but is accompanied with a wide range of symptoms such as hair loss, joint pain, swelling, fatigue, and more. These symptoms are not seen in cases of Acne Rosacea.


How can you tell the difference between Acne Rosacea and Rosacea?

The presence of Acne (pus-filled bumps or small pimples) along with skin redness and an enlarged nose means that you have Acne Rosacea.

Acne symptoms, pus-filled bumps, small pimples

Rosacea is defined as a condition in which certain blood vessels enlarge, giving the cheeks and nose a flushed appearance. Rosacea, on its own, would manifest by causing warmth (flushing), redness of the skin, visible clusters, thickened skin and an enlarged, bulbous nose, without the presence of acne.






Rosacea skin: Redness and Broken Capillaries

If you have Rosacea or Acne Rosacea, parts of your face may itch due to folliculitis which is an inflammation of the hair follicles sometimes caused by ingrown hairs. Further infections of the ingrown hairs can worsen the condition.

In both cases, redness and flushing is also observed, so let’s learn the difference between them..






Difference between Redness and Flushing

In both cases, Rosacea and Acne Rosacea, early onset comes with flushing (skin turning red and becoming warm). When left untreated, this flushing becomes permanent which is termed as skin redness as it is constantly seen on the face.

Rosacea Redness on neck and chestSkin flushing can be described as the following:

  • Feelings of warmth on the skin
  • Rapid reddening of the neck
  • Upper chest turning red
  • Face turning red



Broken vessels on the skin
Redness can be described as the following:

  • Excess flushing of the skin
  • Small red bumps on forehead, chin, nose, cheeks, ears, neck
  • Broken blood vessels may be noticeable through the skin


Who does it affect?

The condition is diagnosed most often in women above the age of 30, however it is not very uncommon to see Rosacea symptoms manifest in late teenage or early adulthood. While it affects more women, Rosacea is often more severe in men.

According to, many women observe increased incidents of Acne Rosacea or Rosacea, during menopause or mid-menstrual cycle.

In the United States, it is estimated that more than 16 million people are living with Rosacea. The majority of them being between the ages of 30-50 and also light-skinned.

Although not entirely identified, it has been observed that genetic and environmental factors impact the skin condition. One of the best studied factors that relate to the environment is exposure to ultraviolet radiation which comes from the sun. The radiation causes oxidative (reaction of a substance with oxygen) stress that can damage skin cells and therefore, wearing sunscreen is highly recommended if you’re dealing with Rosacea.


Mites Demodex on the face

In the case of Acne Rosacea and Rosacea, certain microorganisms are always present on our face. However, the overgrowth of mites on facial skin, may also cause development of the disease. These mites, also known as Demodex Follilocrum are microscopic and can only survive on human skin. In most people, the mites do not cause harm, however in large numbers, they may cause skin abnormalities. Mites are not contagious and cannot transmit infection between humans or animals.

A person’s lifestyle has a big effect on the severity as well as onset of Rosacea and Acne Rosacea, so let’s learn more about that.


Lifestyle choices that may have an effect on the condition are:

Sauna bathing

Effect of Sauna bathing on Rosacea


Hot saunas and even hot showers increase blood vessel dilation in the skin, which can permanently change the number of red blood cells on the face. This makes it much harder for those dealing with Rosacea and Acne Rosacea to recover from redness and flushing.






Sun exposure

Effect of Sun exposure on Rosacea


The sun is one of the most commonly cited as the number one reason for flare-ups in those dealing with Rosacea. Even short-term exposure such as going for a walk or run on a sunny day could trigger a breakout.







Consumption of spicy food

Effect of Spicy food on rosacea


Capsaicin is a chemical that is released by spicy foods, which when in contact with receptors of our skin, causes warmth and gives a red look to the skin. In order to limit capsaicin, one must try and avoid peppers, chillies, and other hot spices. According to, cayenne and red pepper affected more than a third of Rosacea patients while black pepper only affected 18%, and white pepper 9%.






Does Smoking affect Rosacea?


The National Rosacea Society has conducted research that found nicotine present in cigars to possibly cause Rosacea as it forms new blood vessels under the skin. Research also showed that prolonged sun exposure had a negative effect in dealing with the condition, especially in those who are light-skinned.





Alcohol consumption

Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Rosacea


Among American women who consume alcohol, it was found during consumption, there was an increase in the production of inflammatory cytokines. These cells cause the widening of blood vessels which can cause the onset or worsening of Rosacea.






Drinking hot coffee and/or other hot beveragesCoffee and Hot Beverages effect on Rosacea

When it comes to coffee, one latest study has been contradictory. JAMA, a peer reviewed journal, has found that coffee could actually reduce the risk of Rosacea. The study particularly observed caffeinated coffee, finding that polyphenols could reduce risks at doses of four servings per day. Since hot beverages have shown to affect Rosacea, drinking cold coffee instead of hot could be a healthier option for those dealing with the condition.





The effect of these lifestyle choices varies from person to person as the dilation of their blood vessels may be more or less depending on their tolerance of these choices. For example, a person eating spicy food may be more affected by smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee rather than the spice. While another person may have triggered their condition to become worse by occasionally eating spicy food but being completely unaffected by drinking wine or coffee.


After all, a large part of the immune system resides in the gut, making what we ingest very important to our overall health. Among the internal factors that may impact Rosacea is abnormal inflammation. Abnormal inflammation may diminish the skin’s ability to protect the body. Inflammation is usually a normal response of the body to protect itself from external harm such as bacteria, infections etc. Abnormalities in the vascular system cause blood vessels to dilate too easily, causing redness and flushing of the skin.

Keeping these potential triggers in mind, there are certain practices that can help in dealing with Rosacea or Acne Rosacea. 


How can you better deal with Rosacea or Acne Rosacea?

Any health related issue should be dealt with by two important methods. The first would be to treat the surface level, using medication only on the affected areas. The second would be to treat the issue holistically, using positive dietary and lifestyle habits that support the body internally. For example, adding probiotics to your diet may help in adding more microorganisms to your system, helping you deal with Rosacea better.

Rosacea Free Skin - How to treat Rosacea
  1. Hydrating the Skin:
    Drinking lots of water everyday, staying moisturized and avoiding habits that dry your skin or make it more sensitive to dryness are important. Skincare products that hydrate the skin with natural ingredients could prove to be effective.

  2. Skin Protection:
    Applying sunscreen is a must. Using gentle skin care products that do not further irritate or damage the skin are also ideal. Be considerate with your skin, do not rub or touch your face too much.

  3. Self Study:
    Observing yourself and the impact of certain lifestyle choices and behaviors is most important to dealing with Rosacea. Avoiding triggers and carrying on positive habits have shown to provide the best results.

  4. Diet:
    “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” are famous words spoken by the Greek physician, Hippocrates, whose oath is taken by doctors worldwide before they start their careers. This quote has stood the test of time as our body’s greatest defense system is built upon the nutrients we derive from food.
    The Best Rosacea Care Cream
  5. Researching:
    Conduct your own research for what may or may not work for you. Try natural remedies and products that contain botanical and natural ingredients that are gentle on the skin.

  6. Managing Stress:
    It has been found that long-term stress or anxiety can also cause flare-ups, as commonly as spicy food or alcohol. Doing yoga, breathing exercises, maintaining fixed daily routines and getting enough sleep, are some of the ways to manage stress.

  7. Over the counter creams:
    Creams that hydrate the skin, have natural ingredients, are free from irritants and harsh chemicals (such as Paraben and sulphates), could help deal with Rosacea and limit breakouts.


About Marvesol® Rosacea After Cream Care

Marvesol® After Care cream is a healthy combination of the first and second methods mentioned earlier. Our Marvesol® After Care cream made from natural and botanical ingredients reduces the redness, effects of Rosacea and  beautifies the surface area of the skin condition. The cream deals with mites, while its ingredients hydrate the skin, leaving it fresh and moisturized. The skin, as an organ, appreciates the Paraben-free, steroid-free, sulfate-free, natural formula present in our After Care cream.


Ingredients found in Marvesol® Rosacea After Care cream-

  • Lavender
  • Ginger grass
  • Jojoba oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Lemon grass
  • Verbena essential oil
  • Water

Natural Ingredients in Marvesol Rosacea After Care

“While using Marvesol®, the scarring on my skin really started to decrease, the redness started to decrease. I didn’t have as many breakouts and the puffiness really started to go away. I was just amazed because I had tried so many different products for my skin and nothing ever seemed to work, until I started using Marvesol®. It just felt like my skin made a dramatic 180. I started to see results after a couple days but after one week it really felt like my skin made a 180. Now I can go out of the house, make-up free, I’m comfortable with myself, I’m not embarrassed and I’m not constantly editing pictures to get the redness out as well as my acne scarring. Can’t recommend Marvesol® enough!

 - Lauren, a Marvesol® user.


How to use the Marvesol® Rosacea After Care cream?

  • Wash your face and dry it well
  • Gently apply the cream to your skin, targeting the affected areas
  • Use your fingers or a motorized brush to rub it in and gently lather it until fully absorbed
  • This product might cause mild redness, warmth, or tingling for a short time. This is normal and these symptoms will subside or become less noticeable with repeated use. If these symptoms persist. apply once every other day until skin adjusts.
  • Apply twice a day
  • For better results, leave the cream on overnight


Clear Skin with Rosacea Care Cream

Our users who strictly followed the above instructions noticed an improvement on their skin, within only 15 days.


“Rosacea made my life miserable. I had tried so many products but nothing really helped. Until I found Marvesol®. After using Marvesol®, I became so comfortable in my own skin. I don’t have to worry about Rosacea anymore. This is the healthiest my skin has ever been.”

 - Stephany Ibrahim, Marvesol® user


It is important to remember that despite Marvesol®’s natural ingredients and the positive feedback from users, the best results will be seen by those that employ healthy dietary and lifestyle habits in combination with the timely usage of Marvesol® Rosacea After Care cream.

The best way to judge progress would be to take photos of affected areas before and after using the cream. A usage period of at least two weeks, and leaving the cream overnight, should be completed before checking for progress.

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